Thursday, March 31, 2011

Before & After

Recently, Harley was in desperate need of a haircut.  Texas weather proves to be an obstacle at this time of year.  The temperature fluctuates from cold to hot, back to cold, back to hot, etc.  It’s hard to know when is the right time to get his winter coat shaved.  Well, my friends, this is how you know it’s the right time!
This rugrat is not a happy camper!

And voila…

Much happier!

New and Improved

Every time I pick Harley up from the beauty parlor he's so happy.  It's like a weight has been lifted.  In this case, that is certainly true!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

First Date Fiasco

My first date with Brian was a casual, last minute, middle-of-the-week date.  We had met at work, and as we were walking out one day, we decided to have dinner together that evening.  I rushed home to straighten up my apartment, take Harley out and get ready.  Brian picked me up (early, so I was NOT looking my first date best!  Horror!).  We went to dinner followed by a few drinks and jukebox songs at The Loon. 
A few days before this, Harley and I had gone to Granbury for dinner at my grandparents’ house.  We always have fun out there, and since my grandparents are such good cooks, the food is always delicious!  That night we’d had pork tenderloin.  I gave Harley a few little pieces of meat.  He inhaled them.  No big deal, right?  That night, I woke up to the sound of Harley puking.  It was the start to a LOOOOONG day! 
Any time before this that Harley had thrown up, it was a one-time occurrence.  Usually, he had swallowed a piece of bark from a tree or an eye from one of his stuff animals that he’d destroyed.  He’d throw up once, get whatever was in his tummy out, and be good as new and back to playing.  This was not the usual occurrence however.  It continued all day long, and I was beginning to get worried.  I called the vet, who didn’t seem too concerned.  She thought it was just a bug, and it would run its course.  Finally, a friend realized that it was the meat I’d given him.  Apparently, pork tenderloin is way too rich for a doggy’s tummy.  Poor baby…BAD owner!
The following day was better, but Harley also hadn’t eaten in two days.  How could I possibly know if the worst was over? 
The third day, he seemed better, so I started feeding him again, which brings us back to my first date with Brian.  After drinks, he drove me home and walked me to my door.  As I opened the door, I could instantly see darks spots all over my cream-colored carpet.  I immediately told Brian to leave, in hopes that I could spare him from this nightmare.  To my surprise, he actually offered to help clean up.  Ummmm….no!  I certainly wasn’t going to have a first date that involved cleaning puke and scrubbing carpets.  Still, what a sweetheart for even offering, right?  After he left, I wasn’t too sure I’d hear from him again.  Good, bad or indifferent, we had certainly left an impression!  Luckily, I did hear from him and the rest is history.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hello, Blog World!

For a long time, I’ve thought about starting a blog.  I’ve also thought about starting a business, sky diving, taking cooking classes, traveling the world, writing children’s books (the list goes on) to no avail.  This is my attempt to finally put some of those thoughts into action!
5 ½ years ago, I went with my brother, Nate, to a pet shop to look at a dog he liked.  Before I knew it, I was walking out with my own little companion - a 3 pound, 5 week old Pekingese, whom I named Harley. 

Look at that pitiful face!  How could I not bring him home with me?

When I got Harley, I was working for a company that serviced Toni & Guy.  This picture is from Harley's introduction to the marketing team at T&G.  They gave him an "I Love Bed Head" t-shirt, which he absolutely hated!  He sure does look cute though!

When I walked into my apartment that evening, I looked around at all the things I casually tossed on the floor when getting home from work (namely shoes), and I thought –what did I just do?!  I expected that my shoes, furniture and carpet would be destroyed in no time by my new little friend.  To my surprise, Harley was quite well behaved.  Very little damage was done, and the entertainment he provided was endless.  **Side note – ZERO shoes were ever destroyed.  Major bonus points for Harley.
Since then, I’ve looked back and thought about how much the two of us have been through together.  When I got Harley, I had recently graduated from college, was single, living completely alone for the first time in my life and starting out in my career.  Over the years, he’s been by my side as I dated, moved (countless times), changed jobs, traveled, and most importantly, got married!   

Brian & Amber aka Dad & Mom

I’ve always thought about writing down his little quirks to share.  So, here is my attempt at getting started.  Follow me on my journey as I recount past stories, talk about our everyday life and give tips about our favorite doggy toys, treats, beds, etc.  Hold me accountable, bloggers! 
Till next time…